对需求, 系列讲座

The Ins and Outs of the ATA 永利登录网址考试


The ATA certification exam is rigorous and demanding. So, what can you do to prepare and—more importantly—pass the test?

ATA certification attests to a high level of professional competence in producing an accurate and idiomatic translation. As expected, the exam is rigorous and demanding. This webinar will help you prepare for the challenge.

Begin with this webinar overview of the exam, including its structure, how the passages are selected, and what is involved in the grading. You will also learn about recent and upcoming changes in how the exam is administered. The presenters will close with tips on preparing for the exam. There will be plenty of time for questions and answers.


  • The nature of the exam and its structure
  • How the exam passages are selected
  • What is involved in the grading
  • Ways to prepare for the exam
  • What to do to register and take the exam

About the Presenters

大卫·斯蒂芬森, CT, is a freelance translator specializing in legal and business translation as well as book-length creative nonfiction translation. He has been a member of ATA for more than 35 years and a member of the 永利登录网址 Committee since 2006; he currently serves as the Committee chair. David’s working languages include German, Dutch, Croatian, Serbian, and Papiamentu.

本·卡尔, 工商管理硕士, CT, 是一家公司, 市场营销, and financial communications translator and copywriter with more than a decade of experience in the language services industry. He is ATA-certified for French-into-英语 translation and also works from Mandarin-into-英语. He currently serves on the ATA 董事会, chairs the ATA Advocacy Committee, and is a member of the ATA Membership Committee and 纪事报 编辑委员会. He is also the chair of the International Federation of Translators’ (FIT) 变迁 Standing Committee and edits 一个提议, the ATA’s French Language Division blog.

Tianlu Redmon, CT, CI, is a legal and business translator and interpreter experienced in civil litigation, criminal proceedings, and high-stakes meetings. She is ATA-certified in 英语-into-Chinese and Chinese-into-英语 translation—one of a handful of translators to hold both qualifications. She is also a Texas Master Licensed Court 翻译 for Mandarin and qualified by the U.S. 联邦法院. Tianlu is currently serving as the Administrator of ATA’s Chinese Language Division.

Attention ATA Members

This webinar is free for ATA Members. 点击购买.

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主持人(s): 大卫·斯蒂芬森, 本·卡尔, Tianlu Redmon
持续时间: 60分钟
Presenting Language(s): 英语
水平: 所有
ATA cep证书: 1.0


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American Translators Association



